Getting That Sexy Back - Body Confidence and Self-Love

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Seller Motivational Sellers’ Perspective
Getting That Sexy Back - Body Confidence and Self-Love


So we all know that confidence is sexy, it doesn’t matter what shape and size you are, if you’re self assured and are comfortable in your own skin that shows in the way you present yourself and leaves a lasting impression on others.

But not everyone has it. Must be something that comes naturally, like my self criticism (I’m a Virgo 🤷🏻‍♀️), I can’t help it, it’s hard wired into my brain. Despite always having the excitement for doing and learning new things, at the same time they terrify me, simply because I don’t know if I’ll be good at them and I don’t like to let others or myself down. It’s awesome or nothing for me. I don’t like to fail.


It’s the same with physical appearance. Of course we’re in an age where we’re brought up with the pressures of not only the airbrushed perfection seen in magazines but the constant daily influx of social media presentations where it’s now common place to share not only the cherry picked ‘best’ versions of ourselves but the out of control fantasy filter versions which portray an unrealistic picture of the world around us.

Deep down we all know what’s real and fake but we still can’t help but compare ourselves to those around us and the clone culture of long smooth tanned limbs, perky breasts, full lips, long flirtatious eyelashes, glossy perfectly styled hair, dazzling nail artistry and a wrinkle free complexion. It can make us feel less than adequate, like we're not good enough.

Up the ladder

It was my husband that originally signed me up to ATW. He sees something different in me. I see a short dumpy girl with a multitude of scars, lumps, bumps and a less than glossy flyaway mane. Not the ideal portrayal of anyone’s fantasy! In his eyes, however, I’m pretty, fun and sexy…but lacking confidence which is holding me back. This is the reason he convinced me to dip my toe onto this site and just do a few pictures to see what the response was. By the time I agreed I’d apparently already been a member for 5 months!! 😳 Hubby has more of a grip on realism and wanted to convince me that not everyone sought those perfect barbie-esque attributes, and his male mind influence actually worked well as the first set of totally unfiltered raw pics went down a storm and I received some encouraging reviews and uplifting messages from buyers who had taken a chance on this new seller.

Pretty much from then on my confidence grew and I uploaded more pics and included panty wears and finally plucked up the courage to do a video or two. Things were going pretty well. As my confidence in my body improved so did our sex life and we both loved it, even feeling bold enough to venture into an adult club and fulfil one of hubby’s newly confessed fantasies. Got to say being approached by some hot young fellas I consider well out of my league gave me such a huge boost and made me feel attractive again.

Down the snake

But that all changed on our annual holiday. I’d started exercising regularly so a bit more toned than usual and incorporated with a bit of a tan I was really feeling good about myself. Then I got an email confirming I had been diagnosed with stage 2 malignant melanoma, and a wide excision and removal of lymph nodes was necessary to see if it had spread and had crossed the line into Stage 3. Cancer - and potentially late stage? My floor fell through.

To cut a depressing story short, I had the surgery and biopsy a few weeks after landing back in the UK, but I’m not going to lie - my spirit plummeted. Not quite rock bottom but enough to pause and let the doubt creep in. I’d forgotten who I was, what I was supposed to be doing, and struggling to regain my self assurance, not knowing what the future was going to bring and allowing the dark thoughts to slip through. Even after the subsequent good news with my biopsy results I still allowed the extent of my scars to crumble my confidence and once again felt ugly. I know scars heal in time and pale in comparison to what could have been, so with a little perseverance I'm slowly pulling myself out of it. Confidence is sexy, but confidence is also a state of mind. As my body heals so will my spirit, albeit true to my star sign I do have an impatient disposition and healing is not a swift process.

ATW Therapy

If nothing else I am a stubborn and determined little tart so I’m working hard to get my full sexy back and WILL return to my former fun and slutty alter ego, one step at a time. It has to be acknowledged that the continued support and lovely messages from some special buyers on here, whether they knew it or not, really helped keep my spirits up when I’ve succumbed to some low moments.

I suspect 90% of sellers on this site have insecurities and parts of their bodies that they don’t like but have the strength to own them and by god they are hot as hell creatures! I so envy that self love and confidence and THAT is what sexy is all about. I love seeing all you ladies having fun, looking good and absolutely killing it ❤️ .


There are moments when we're riding high and feeling invincible. And then those not so great times when life only drags us down. We all go through them. It’s reality. Although I’ve had a slow period due to my current mindset, drop in confidence and therefore lack of new content to keep buyers engaged, I’m persevering on ATW because, let’s be honest, where else do you get better support and boosts you need in times like this? Sometimes this site provides the best in both complimentary and humour therapy. 😉

Von PoshMilf

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