

- US United States

Messaggio Seller Mancia
I've been slinking around some kinky places after my divorce and developed a lingerie obsession. My closet is full and I need someone to help me clear out these old things so that I can buy some new shiny things. You can find me on fetlife modeling some of these lovely stockings and the rest.

Informazioni su Greendragonjess

5 Follower  -  0 Seguiti  -  1 Badge

Genere: Femmina

Età: 40-50

Etnia: Caucasica/o (Bianca/o)

Misure del Corpo: Morbida/o

Numero di Scarpe: US 8, UK 6, EU 39

Iscritto: 6 mesi fa

Visite al Profilo: 557

Cosa Offro

High Heels Pantyhose Stockings

Metodi di Pagamento

Negozio 13 Inserzioni

Greendragonjess US

Lace Black Suspender...

Adjustable to fit well. Black lace. Does it's job to hold up sexy stockings -see separately...

15.00 USD 150

Greendragonjess US

Black Lace Suspender...

Too small for me so I can't model - used once when I was in a pinch and...

15.00 USD 150

Foto 1 immagini

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