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What the FLO Community says

I have had a fantastic experience on Feet Lovers Only. Every seller I have come across has been super friendly and helpful. They are all so beautiful and genuine.

The buyers have also been very friendly, polite and they know what they want!

Much love to Feet Lovers Only

Premium seller

Gymbutt69 UK

5.0 (496) ID Verified

Overall, Feet Lovers Only prioritises professionalism within its sellers and buyers, making the site a fantastic and safe platform for all. Even for myself, where I consider it similar to running a small business, as the platform allows me to sort, organise and edit all the orders I've listed, and every custom one requested of me :)


Tak3thislone... AU

- ID Verified

I’m really enjoying the site so far. I’m relatively new so I have an open mind mostly about it.

I’ve had a great time chatting with both sellers and buyers and the majority have really positive attitudes.

It’s not always about sales but having a safe space to be able to enjoy your sexuality and also have others enjoy it too.

I really enjoy all the positivity and plan to stay for a good while longer yet.


KittyMittenz UK

5.0 (1) ID Verified

I haven’t been a seller long but I’m really enjoying selling on Feet Lovers Only!

The community is so supportive and helpful, and you might be surprised at the friendships you can make here.

They don’t take any of my profits and they make it safe and private when messaging buyers, which is really important to me.

If you’ve wanted to start selling your items or services, I’d completely (and I already have!) recommend Feet Lovers Only ❤️


XMayFlowers CA

5.0 (17) ID Verified

Buying & Selling Feet Pics & Video's couldn't be easier

How Feet Lovers Only Works