return [ 'recent_polls' => 'Sondages Récents', 'questions_asked_by_community' => 'Questions posées par notre communauté', 'interact_with_polls' => 'Interagir avec les sondages de la communauté :site_alias', 'latest_polls_description' => 'Découvrez les derniers sondages et questions posés par les membres de :site_name', 'interact_with_polls' => 'Interagir avec les sondages de la communauté :site_alias', 'latest_polls_description' => 'Découvrez les derniers sondages et questions posés par les membres de :site_name', 'poll' => 'Sondage', 'latest_news_description' => 'Restez informé de toutes les dernières nouvelles, potins et derniers événements dans le monde des biens bien usés.', 'by_user' => 'Par :username', 'share_this_poll' => 'Partager ce sondage', 'other_polls' => 'Autres Sondages', 'view_recent_polls' => 'Voir les Sondages Récents', ]; To all the ladies with big titties. What's it like? Do you recommend? #FLO Poll

To all the ladies with big titties. What's it like? Do you recommend?

Yes, they are the best! They accent my shape and I love how they draw attention to me. - 0%
Yes, well yes and no. They can be fun in certain areas of my life, but if your Betsy working a 9 to 5, go home and repeat everyday, then probably not a good idea. - 0%
Yes, men love them and I love to please men. Plus they are sensitive and bouncy. - 0%
I don't recommend it. It's like carrying two broke best friends around on your back and on your front at the same time - It's like carrying 2 built in serial killers laying on your neck trying to suffocate you every time you lay down. In the summer time, you can't take them off, you wish you could put them in a pony tail and throw them over your shoulder but that don't work - you just stay hot, sweaty and uncomfortable. Don't think about wearing a button up shirt, because if you inhale with too much enthusiam or have so much as a spirited sneeze, those buttons become weapons of mass destruction and lastly, it can be costly, when your boobs live in a whole other zip code, those bras are expensive and can cost upwards of another mortgage. So no, I don't recommend them. Stick with the lil ones. - 100%

Votes Totals: 2

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