Confidence in the Bedroom - Overcoming Insecurities of Body Image

Chelsey_Texas Door Chelsey_Texas 2295 weergaven

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Confidence in the Bedroom - Overcoming Insecurities of Body Image

Why are we women so damn hard on ourselves? Our own insecurities of our body parts that we deem too flawed, too fat, too small, too flabby, or even hideous or grotesque.

We stand in the mirror and critique every inch of our bodies. We constantly compare our bodies to other women deciding how we measure up. We spend hundreds of dollars on cellulite creams, diet and weight loss products, and even cosmetic procedures. We might companies ridge trying to attain perfection that does not exist.

Girlfriend, there’s absolutely no such thing as a perfect body! Even women who spend many thousands of dollars trying to achieve a “perfect body“ will still never be satisfied and always see something more “that needs to be fixed“.

Cellulite and stretch marks are normal

Understand that cellulite, stretch marks, and gravity happen to us all. In fact, 90% of women have cellulite, including the very thinnest of women and ladies in their early 20s. Cellulite is a huge money-making scam. Know that cellulite is a completely normal part of the female body. And stretch marks are present on both women and men and result from puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding, fluctuating weight gains and losses, or even some medical conditions. Understand that all women lose elasticity of the skin as we age and lose collagen and will develop some sagging.

If you become so fixated on these “imperfections” it does spill over into the bedroom and limit your inhibitions. It will run the hottest sex you could be having.

Yes, you may be on ATW selling panties, socks or other items. But many of you are afraid to show off your body…I don’t mean to potential buyers. I’m talking about in private with your partner.

You’ve got to get out of your head and relax. ‘But how do I do that’ you ask? Well, here’s what I know.

I work in the medical field and have spent many days and countless hours in operating rooms. And in the OR you as the patient are wearing a gown and no undergarments when you get on that operating table. But as soon as you’re sedated, in most cases, your gown is removed to maintain a sterile field. Many female patients know this and beforehand will say things like “don’t look at my fat rolls”, “I’m sure you won’t forget these old saggy boobs”, “I haven’t been able to shave my legs”, “I once had a good body before having kids destroyed it” etc. But guess what? We, medical professionals, do not care what your body looks like at all!! Our focus is solely on treating you with dignity and having a successful surgery.

So…How does this relate to confidence in the bedroom?

Well shock alert, the bedroom is exactly the same way!!! Hear this ladies! Your partner is not looking for flaws and imperfections on your body. Your partner does not see the things you’re fixating on him worrying about thinking are not attractive or a turn-off. And when you love that person it’s even more so. Your partner wants to treat you with dignity and respect. Your partner wants to ensure you have a successful sexual outcome, wanting to bring you to full orgasm and a feeling of euphoria. Because nothing is more a turn on than being the one to get you there.

Your partner chose you and your body…exactly the way it is because it turns him on! He’s sexually attracted to you!

Most, if dare I say all, men are stimulated visually.

Their sexual desire rises when they see naked … breasts, ass, feet, and oh yes that sweet spot too. That target point, the main event, the object of the game - vagina!

On the other hand, most women are turned on by feelings. We close our eyes when being touched sexually because we are driven by the feeling it gives us and closing our eyes allows us to focus on the feel.

Or are you closing your eyes because you are scared he might be looking? Are you allowing your partner complete access visually? Or hiding your body from him?

During sex do you keep your bra on because your tits “look better” with it on? Do you wear a teddy to hide that “belly pooch”? Do you hide under the covers? Do you keep the light off to completely hide it all? If so, you are not doing yourself or your partner any favors with these moves.

Think of this… How many times have you put on a hot little sexy outfit that took you way too long to get into, and adjusted just right to accentuate your “better features”, only to get into the bedroom for him to stare drooling for a few minutes then all he wants to do is get you out of it?

Don’t get me wrong. Those outfits bring a much-needed spice. They are the cherry on top of that whipped cream pile of deliciousness. They make your partner know you went out of your way to do something for them and it heightens the mood for both of you.

However, your man wants your body exposed. He wants to visually be able to take it all in. He wants to not only feel those bare breasts and hard nipples between his fingers but see them also! If you try to leave that bra on, chances are he is pulling those tits out over the cups. He wants to grab that naked ass and glide his hands all over it, and he wants to see it! If you have on panties, he’s got his hands inside them probably tugging them down. He wants to feel the warmth, the wetness, and he wants to see it! And he wants to look at your face when he brings you over the edge. Men are visual creatures.

I guarantee your partner wants to see those titties bouncing up and down. He wants to watch your body parts gyrating against his.

NOTHING is as hot as confidence!

And just how do you become confident? Well, the first time or two you may have to fake it - and I absolutely do not mean an orgasm! Fake thinking your body is the hottest this man has ever had the pleasure of getting to view in all its glory. Get it in your head he’s getting more and more turned on by getting to see what he’s been thinking about all day, even if it feels a bit fake at first. Absolutely get it in your brain that he is not looking at your body and seeing anything other than the object of his desire, and there’s nothing fake about that.

Then focus on how your partner is responding to you in that moment of you allowing him complete and utter access to what he’s been wanting – naked.

You can lead his eyes to areas you want him to focus on by caressing your body and showing him how you like to be touched there.

And when you do these things you will be able to concentrate on your own pleasure…that feeling of him hitting just the right spot and of how you’re making him feel at the same time. You’ll feel your inhibitions begin to wane. You’ll realize all you have been missing out on by focusing on your own images of your body instead of seeing yourself through his eyes. And you will begin to feel sexy in your own skin. After that first time or two of faking it, you’ll realize the sex was hot because you just let go.

Ladies, stop trying to point out to your partner the things you hate about your body! Stop trying to convince him that you’re flawed! Ask him what his favorite body part of you is…don’t you dare question his answer. Just straighten your crown and show it off proudly to him like the badass Queen that you are!!

Let him have his cake and eat it too!! Give him that entire canvas to create a masterpiece for you both.

Have fun, become his personal exhibitionist. Let it all hang out.

And if you’re still thinking you need to hide parts of your body from your partner, remember this … for everything you’re not willing to show him, there’s a neighbor who is.

Door Chelsey_Texas


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