170 Followers - 42 Following - 14 Badges
Gender: Male
Age: 40-50
Joined: 1 year ago
Profile Visits: 11410
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Added a new photo > @barbieq Thank you so much love!! I am flattered. I do love this community and try to help when I can. Cheers love!! 😍
Added a new photo > True story. Holla at your boy. lol. Cheers yall!!!
Added a new photo > I think the univers is telling me I spend way too much time on this site. lol. I blame all y'all sexy thick BBW ladies. A common deep south man just has no control. lol. Happy hump day y'all!!! And cheers!! Enjoy Thanksgiving if you celebrate!! 😜
Added a new photo > If y'all are not oredering from @barbieq then what is wrong with you? She is amazing. Check her out. She can make you feel like the king/queen you are!! Cheers y'all!!!
Added a new photo > These strip clubs in Jackson Ms just different. Wild AF!!! Cheers y'all!! 🥃🍸🤡😛
Added a new photo > How I am trying to start off my week. Lets do it!! Cheers!!! 🥃
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