The Society, Pet and Age play, and CNC

Demonicmumu By Demonicmumu 2212 views

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The Society, Pet and Age play, and CNC

In BDSM there are three practices that are often mistaken for outright immoral behavior, and therefore judged as such even though they are not.

These are pet play, age play and CNC, which are associated with zoophilia, paedophilia and rape. Today we will talk about this stigma, apart from again pointing out the limits.

What is Pet Play?

Pet play is a kink in which some participants decide to behave like pet animals. Let's not kid ourselves, most girls choose to be cats and most guys choose to be dogs. If you're a submissive, maybe the term pig is more appropriate. But that's not the point. Those who play pet acquire behaviors and aesthetics associated with that pet. Which ones? It depends on each person, there is no minimum or maximum.

Aesthetically, there are those who will wear little ears, plugs with tails, and gloves that simulate paws. There is also makeup or literally putting on a fursuit. If I had a fursuit, with what they cost, I don't know if I would want to risk breaking it like that or if I would want to make it profitable.

Behaviorally, there may be a "No talking, only meowing/barking" rule, no standing (unless... it's raccoon pet play?) no thumbs, and eating out of a bowl on the floor....

Again, each one chooses what he/she wants.

Those who don't play animals usually play with them, discipline them or, why not, fuck them. And there comes the judgment.

"Are you fucking a dog? Are you going to fuck a dog? You're sick. "

But it's not a dog, it's a person. It's a person in a condition both for age and health to consent, who decides to play at being an animal. But that doesn't mean he stops being an animal, it's not a step towards trans-animalism.

Some people can't help thinking that if you would have sex with someone who barks, you would fuck his dog.

What is Age Play?

I've started with the mildest. Age Play is when a person plays at behaviors associated with a younger age. How young and what behaviors are also up to each individual.

An example of aesthetics can be children's clothing, and an example of behavior can be coloring in a children's sketchbook. And again, even though she is doing that, she is a healthy adult who is consenting to it. It is especially uncomfortable when they judge age play to be paedophilia.

And if you don't like it, don't do it. I don't like age play, I don't want to participate in it, it makes me uncomfortable. But a 30-year-old woman in a Minnie Mouse t-shirt behaving like a child is not a victim of paedophilia.

Consensual Not-Consent

And the last one, is CNC, Consensual Not-Consent. In this kink, there is a pretence that there is no consensus and it is common to offer resistance, begs to stop and.... basically something that to a bystander, is rape.

What's the point? That there is consensus. It is agreed to do that activity and although it will not stop when one party says "No, please stop!" it will stop when it says "Avocado" or "Pizza with pineapple" or whatever they have a safe word for, which is what it is there for.

You agree on the limits before the activity, you agree on the conditions under which you do and don't stop, and then you do the activity. Just as we used to pretend that it was an animal or a child, now we pretend that there is no consensus. But there is all the time.

I read a story where the protagonist tried CNC with a girl who liked that, faking sexual abuse. Then he threw up because he felt sick and agreed to do other games instead. But he didn't say "It's rape", he said, "I'm not into this, do it with someone else".

By the way, just like a girl who likes sex doesn't like a bunch of strangers throwing chips on her in the street, a girl who likes CNC doesn't like being raped. She's not asking for it or anything, in case some rapist's lawyer gets ideas.

And that's all three, which start from the same basis: they are people who reach a consensus and have the capacity to make that consensus valid.

No, Jeffrey Jones, you can't age-play with a 14-year-old girl, her consensus is not valid.

Credits to Mar. (Twitter and Fer: MarArrOrt )

By Demonicmumu


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