The Balancing Act: Manager and Sex Worker

ThePerfectStorm By ThePerfectStorm 1026 views

Seller Tips For Sellers
The Balancing Act: Manager and Sex Worker

How do I do both?

Manager by day, sex worker by night!

One of the funniest things I hear when people talk down about sex workers in the industry is that no one will take us seriously or that we don’t have a “real job” because we are just sex workers!

The ironic thing here is the majority of sex workers you see, especially on fetish sites like ATW or OF also have full time jobs... some even very high-powered careers.

I will only be speaking about myself in this blog, but it is worth mentioning!

I myself am a high-level manager for an incredibly well-known company. (No naming names for privacy, but just go with me on this one) I currently have 20+ staff members that work for me, and I am completely in charge of running this business that currently has 6000+ members. And the absolute best part about it, is that I can do both and be extremely successful in both aspects of my life.

But the real question here is how am I able to do it all, stay organized and most importantly treat both my “day- job” with the same dedication and priority as I do my “night-job”. I am here to give you some tips and tricks that have worked very well for me, and hopefully will help you as well!

My top tips

  1. Stay organized. Now this can mean whatever it does to you and your business’ because everyone is going to have to handle different situations differently, but for me it is all about my calendar! I personally use iCloud calendar, as I can sync all my devices onto one, and I am even able to add my work (outlook) calendar to the same one! For me being able to see everything that I have to do for my day, laid out in front of me is key to have successful and productive days without allowing myself to get overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done!

  2. This one is a branch off of staying organized, but I cannot stress this one enough. Write everything down, people always laugh at me, but I always say my goal in life is to not have to think! :P Sounds silly I know, but if I relied only on my brain to remember all the tasks, I had to get done throughout the day I would simply forget everything! (ADHD brain does not help with this either) By having things written down I can take that piece of information out of my brain, but that thought is there to remind me later!

  3. Communicate! This one can be tricky, but it is super important! My “day- job” is not aware of my sex work, so obviously I am not telling my associates or bosses that I have to prioritize my sex work :P However I am fully transparent on ATW, letting my loyal buyers, or even new buyers know that I cannot always be accessible on the site, sometimes work stuff takes priority and that is okay! But by communicating with my buyers, they understand that if I don’t answer their messages right away, or if I am absent for longer than normal, they always know I am coming back, and they are super understanding. This also helps with the overwhelming-ness aspect. Because I am fully transparent with my lovely buyers, I am not constantly stressing that I will miss a sale, or that they feel neglected when my work is just a little too busy and it’s taking up my time at that moment! They know I am coming back, and they wait patiently!

  4. Second to that communication is sharing it with your personal people (I say it this way, cause I understand that not everyone is sharing their sex work with their families or friends, and that is okay too) but for me, my partner knows everything (she also helps me film, take photos and complete those yummy dual wears) But I am also fully transparent with her about what is happening on the ATW site, if I am waiting to confirm a sale, or I need to answer a few messages I just make sure to share with her what I am doing! That way she also does not feel neglected if I am just sitting on my phone, she feels up to date with what I am doing and that makes me feel less stressed or overwhelmed as I do not feel like I am being a bad partner!

  5. Lastly, if you are feeling it, overdo it! Let me elaborate, being that I work a 9-5 Monday through Friday job, it can be very tiring and there are many days out of the week that I just don’t feel like filming or taking photos or organizing wears! Because of this I make sure that on the days/times that I am feeling myself, whether I am filming a custom for a buyer, or photos, or just feeling myself for whatever reason, I make sure that I am always taking more then I need! I love being able to have those sexy photos to post, or a sexy video to share with a buyer on hand when I need it! Obviously filming customs is different as you have to wait for the request, but you can always snap a few extra feet photos while you’re filming that Self pleasuring video for your buyer, or snap some sexy nude photos while you’re lying in a tanning bed ;)… always make sure if you are feeling yourself, capture it! That way when you are too tired after work to take some photos for your site, you always have some good back-ups that can be used at any time! You’ll thank yourself later, I promise!

Anyways, that is all from me right now! Just remember, we can do both! You can be a high-powered executive that also sells panty wears! ;) Take chances, get messy and have fun!

Love The Perfect Storm!

By ThePerfectStorm

Hey there, Welcome to my Spicy Little Playground 😘 I am your 😉 super kinky bisexual women looking to have a little fun! 😈 Let me be Your Perfect Storm...

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