My Good Girl Praise Kink Explained

Little_secretary By Little_secretary 12316 views

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My Good Girl Praise Kink Explained

In the world of kinks, discipline and punishment can sometimes steal the limelight, and it’s not to say they’re not fun, but I wanted to bring to the spotlight a kink at the other end of the spectrum… the praise kink.

What is a Praise Kink?

You might have heard it referred to as affirmation play or a “good girl” kink, but praise kinks essentially describe sexual responses to overt praise, compliments and verbal approval.

Some individuals – such as myself – love being called a good girl, or told you’ve done a good job. Others may become intensely turned on by exaggerated compliments about their body or the sexual acts they provide. It’s no wonder a seller may be drawn to selling as a release for this kink!

Most of us like being complimented, but a praise kink goes further... it elicits a sexual response. In my case, I only respond when praised in a sexual context. If I get praise from a work colleague or friend I don’t get stimulated, but there are others with a praise kink who will. Just like with all kinks, the praise kink is very personal to the individual.

How Can You Explore a Praise Kink?

You might be thinking that someone with a praise kink would naturally fit better into a submissive role, but if you delve into it, doms can also get sexual pleasure from the verbal affirmation and obedience of their sub. BDSM is certainly one of the ways the kink can be explored but there are softer more vanilla ways too.

If you’re looking to explore it with someone, I can’t tell you what will trigger every individual with a praise kink, but my own favourites go along the lines of:

  • “I’m so proud of you”
  • “You’ve been such a good girl”
  • “You did such a great job”
  • “I’m so pleased with you”
  • “I’m so lucky to have you/ I really appreciate you”

Remember to check in with your partner or whoever you are engaging in this kink with to see what they respond best to. Everyone has different triggers which show them they are being appreciated, acknowledged, and seen, and that’s what can elicit the sexual response.

Some people might enjoy praise about themselves in general, whilst others want it to be specific to sexual acts performed. Ask your partner whether they want the praise to relate to their looks, personality, behaviour or a specific role they are playing. Once you know more about their preferences, you can get really creative and tap into their sexual needs.

Not all praise needs to be verbal! Verbal affirmation in the sense of moans combined with non-verbal communication like eye contact can be thoroughly enjoyable for some individuals, as can strokes or nods of encouragement when performing a particularly strenuous sex act.

Misconceptions & What to Avoid

If someone has told you they have a praise kink, don’t be mistaken and automatically assume that means they enjoy rough play or power play. I’ve had older males mistake my kink as a daddy kink because I was seeking sexual praise from older men.

Or, men of a similar age to me assume that I want to be dominated or engage in something rougher than I want to. There’s nothing more of a turn-off than someone assuming they know what you want without listening to you. Remember to always explore kinks in a safe environment, preferably with a non-sexual conversation first.

As I’ve already mentioned, praise can be so subjective to an individual. Don’t assume that everyone finds a specific comment as praise. For example, calling a female a “sexy b*tch” might be a huge turn-on for one individual, and borderline offensive to another. If you don’t know the individual well or haven’t had the chance to discuss their kink yet, go in softly before ramping things up.

Whilst there is some evidence that people with praise kinks happen to also be people pleasers in their everyday life, there isn’t a clear correlation between the two. ATW is a safe space, where we all respect each other’s individual desires, so don’t jump to conclusions, or make assumptions about someone based on their praise kink.

Final Words

It is clear that those with praise kinks are great communicators and will certainly show you how much they enjoy your compliments, creating an excellent feedback loop in any sexual encounter. The more praise you provide, the more turned on they become, and they’re more than likely to let you know.

As a seller with a praise kink, I like to let my buyers know, so that should they want to engage on that level, we can have great fun turning each other on 😉

Any fellow praise kinksters out there, please do provide your own suggestions for ways to explore the kink in the comments below!

By Little_secretary

🌸 110% girl next door vibes 👸🏼 good girl kink 🇬🇧 cute British accent 🏆 Top 1% of sellers 👸🏼..ABOUT ME..👸🏼 I'm an office worker living alone and love working out (gym,...

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